The ‘secrets’ during training and rest helped Ronaldo shine brightly at the age of 38

Cristiano Ronaldo is a rare player in world football. Despite being about to turn 39 years old, the Portuguese superstar still shows incredible durability with 50 goals and 16 assists this year.

To be able to maintain high performance at an age when most of his other teammates have retired, Ronaldo has had to maintain a scientific regimen of training, eating and resting for many years. Below are the secrets applied by the owner of 5 Golden Balls.

Ronaldo’s training process

At every training session, Ronaldo starts with warm-up exercises to help warm up his muscles and limit the rιsk of ιnjury. “When we work out, we all run laps, stretch, and do some warm-up cardio. Make sure you always warm up when working out, which can be as simple as walking to the gym or going on the treadmill.” run,” Ronaldo said.

At the gym, Ronaldo advises creating variety for exercises to avoid getting bored day after day. However, the Portuguese striker wants all parts of the body to be affected during training. For Ronaldo personally, he built an exercise system focusing on improving strength and endurance.

The secrets during training and rest help Ronaldo shine brightly at the age of 38 - Photo 1.

On the field, Ronaldo focuses on exercises that serve the competition, such as acceleration, finishing, and fixed shots. “We do a lot of sprinting during training. You can also incorporate that exercise in your training plan. Try to add it to all your exercises,” Ronaldo added.

In addition, Ronaldo emphasized maintaining regularity during practice. With CR7, you don’t necessarily have to go to the centers to start training. “You can do abdominal exercises in bed when you wake up or before going to bed. If you do them regularly, everything will be easier because they will become a habit.

Food used by Ronaldo

CR7 is especially important about eating. Each day’s menu is specific and very strict. “A good training session must come with a good meal,” Ronaldo shared. “My meals are high in protein, with whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and avoid foods high in sugar.”

Ronaldo understands foods very well but still hires a nutritionist. The two have worked together since Ronaldo was playing for Real. Every day, Ronaldo will eat 6 small meals, not too full, each meal 3-4 hours apart.

According to Goal, Ronaldo regularly eats fish such as swordfish, sea bass and sea bream. The Portuguese striker’s favorite dish is bacalhau a braz , a dish made from cod, onions, sliced ​​potatoes and scrambled eggs. Ronaldo also eats a lot of fruit and lean protein (foods that provide high protein and low fаt).

The secrets during training and rest help Ronaldo shine brightly at the age of 38 - Photo 2.

At restaurants, Ronaldo often orders steak and salad. Ronaldo’s one rule is to never use frozen food. All food must be fresh and of good quality.

For breakfast, Ronaldo often uses cheese, ham, low-fаt yogurt, avocado toast and fruit.

“Spend several meals. If you train regularly, you have to keep your energy levels high to perform at your best. I usually eat 6 small meals a day to ensure I can complete my workouts well. best.

Another note from Ronaldo is to always drink enough water. Not only that, Ronaldo also stays away from alcоhоlic drinks or soft drinks. At Euro 2020, Ronaldo caused a stir when he put away his soft drink bottle and advised everyone to use filtered water.

To reduce the pressure of eating, Ronaldo sometimes still uses some of his favorite dishes even though they can affect weight maintenance. CR7 admitted that he often uses these foods every Friday night.

Ronaldo’s sleeping routine

Unlike most people, Ronaldo does not sleep for a long time. Instead, the Portuguese striker chose to divide it into 5 short naps/day, each lasting 90 minutes.

According to Professor Nick Littlehales, who has many years of research on sleep efficiency, an athlete should take 5 short naps instead of sleeping in one row. This will bring better results to professional athletes.

British media said Ronaldo has slept in a special way for many years. In 2021, when he returned to MU, Ronaldo also celebrated in the “going to bed” style.

The secrets during training and rest help Ronaldo shine brightly at the age of 38 - Photo 3.

To have the best sleep quality, Ronaldo also limits the use of electronic devices after going to bed.

Special therapies

Ronaldo also paid special attention to the recovery process. Since 2013, Ronaldo has used cryotherapy to restore his body. When moving to Saudi Arabia, Ronaldo did not forget to invest in a cryotherapy chamber.

Normally, Ronaldo will be in the cryotherapy room for about 3 minutes. Here, the temperature can be brought down to -200 degrees Celsius. This therapy helps muscles quickly recover and reduces muscle pаin.

In addition, Ronaldo also uses “hоt” therapies, such as sauna baths or using heat massage devices.


Without discipline and diligence, investing in modern equipment will no longer make much sense.

“Besides training your body, you must also learn how to train your mind. Mentаl strength is as important as physical strength. It will help you accomplish your goals. Be disciplined. Always keep it up.” Excitement for yourself, perseverance with your schedule. Everything is not easy. I have to be very strict with myself,” Ronaldo said.

The secrets during training and rest help Ronaldo shine brightly at the age of 38 - Photo 4.

Talking about success, Ronaldo believes that a comfortable lifestyle plays an important role. “Exercise is the most important, but a comfortable life helps you become the best version. I spend my free time with family and friends. That helps me relax and think positively.”