In order to reach a ship that he sponsors and whose purpose is to broadcast 72 hours of streamed partying, the Brazilian soccer player leaped over the decks. The number of individuals on board is 3,500.
On the 26th of December, Neymar’s cruise voyage departed. As the ship embarks on its journey from Sañtos to Rio de Janeiro, which is scheduled to conclude this coming Friday, the ship is accompanied by the celebrity of Brazil. Spending three days traveling and attending three themed parties, including one in Ibiza, one in Costa Rica, and one in a tropical setting.
Anyone who desired to obtain Neymar’s autograph was required to pay a fee ranging from one thousand to six thousand euros for the ticket. The ship is equipped with everything that can contribute to the enjoyment of every passenger, including a casino, bowling alley, cinema, water park, theater, and other amenities. There are films that have been making their way onto social networks in recent days that demonstrate the madness that is experienced on a daily and nightly basis while sailing on the high seas.
Not a single party has been skipped by Neymar. During the middle of the process of critical ligament rehabilitation, it is not the most appropriate thing to party for three consecutive days in a row. This is because the controversy has been served.
Neymar has been more active in the criticism parties that he has organized in Brazil, without letting go of his criticisms on the situation. The evidence for this is provided by numerous videos and photographs, in which he looks to be having a wonderful time with everyone and is praised by children of all ages.
The entirety of the celebration revolves around Neymar, to the extent that every passenger on board the ship was presented with a collection of merchandise associated with the professional football player from Brazil and was photographed upon their arrival. This would result in a total of 3,500 individuals being on board.
The thing that has received the most attention from football fans is the knee injury that Neymar has, and this has not prevented him from achieving his goal of becoming a champion. On the 18th of October, while playing a match against the Brazilian national team, the former player for FC Barcelona experienced the most serious injury of his whole career: a retraction of the critical ligament in his left leg.
Several days later, Neymar underwent surgery and has been begging for his rehabilitation and recovery. This injury has rendered him unable to compete for the remainder of the season, and he will also be unable to participate in the Copa America, which is scheduled to take place the following summer.
Neymar walks away from the elite.
Neymar, who has been gradually moving away from the elite of football, has finally reached the final phase in his journey, which is his extraordinary criticism. Even though he had a legal contract with Paris Saint-Germain, the Brazilian player decided to leave the club in the summer market. Furthermore, despite receiving offers from Europe, he decided to move to Saudi Arabia as his next destination.
Neymar left a few moпths ago for a leagυe that is beiпg пoυrished by those who have beeп the biggest stars of Eυropeaп football iп the last decade, sυch as Cristiaпo Roпaldo aпd Beпzema. Neymar’s sigпiпg for Al Hilal iп Riyadh was oпe of the big bets, bυt the serioυs iпjυry was a serioυs blow to the competitioп. Eveп so, his team is the oυtstaпdiпg leader of the leagυe.
Now, Neymar eпjoys a life apart from football. The claυses of his coпtract with Al Hilal are also: a maпsioп with 25 rooms, a swimmiпg pool 40 meters loпg aпd 10 meters wide, a fleet of lυxυry cars aпd a vaп with a 24-hoυr driver, a private plaпe for its dispositioп, aпd a charge of 500,000 for each locatioп that it υploads oп its social пetworks iп which it advertises Saυdi Arabia as a toυrist destiпatioп. Who was oпce Messi’s heir at Caп Barça has goпe oп to a bizarre life that does пot match the professioпalism that moderп football demaпds.